1. On main menu, tap on a product to add it to shopping cart. Every tap adds a unit of the item.
            To add large quantities at a time, long press on the item. A field opens that allows you to enter the exact quantity of the item customer needs.
  2. Tap on orange CHECKOUT button at the bottom, that takes you to the shopping cart. 
  3. Click on the CHARGE button at the bottom. 
  4. You will be asked the mode of payment, card or cash. Tap on CASH
  5. When prompted, enter the cash amount the customer gave you, so we can calculate the change you need to give the customer. 
  6. Click on DONE. If you clicked on DONE without entering an amount in step 5 above, you will be taken directly to the
  7. You'll get the green TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL screen.
  8. Enter the customer's email to send a receipt.