From the ZirooPay app

  1. For a new app installation, you can find the Order a Terminal button at the top of the left navigation drawer once you tap on the menu option. Alternatively, you will get a prompt to order a new terminal if you attempt a card transaction without a connected card reader, or attempt to Connect a card reader in the Settings.
  2. Fill in all required details: Bank name, account name, account number. Click on NEXT.
  3. Verify that the pre-filled details related to your business are correct. You can edit the details or enter them if not pre-filled (details are only pre-filled for accounts that have created a profile in Edit profile under Settings. Click on CONFIRM to send us the order.
  4. Order confirmation will be shown. We will contact you to arrange delivery and setup once your application is processed

From the ZirooPay website

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click on START SELLING NOW to access the terminal order form
  3. Fill in all required details, and Submit
  4. We will contact you to arrange delivery and setup once your application is processed