From the menu option, select Support

  1. How to add products? takes you through step-by-step overlay instructions on how to add a product to your ZirooPay store. Just follow the prompts to do a demo of adding products
  2. How to make a sale? takes you through step-by-step overlay instructions on how to make a sale - card or cash- on ZirooPay. Just follow the prompts to do a demo of adding products. No money will be charged during this demo
  3. Help takes you to our knowledge base where you will find step-by-step instructions on how to perform the most common operations in the app.
  4. The Youtube icon (under About ZirooPay <version number>) takes you to our Youtube channel where we post video instructions on how to operate your app. We recommend that you subscribe to the channel so you are notified anytime we post a new video.