While we continue to improve our in-app suggestions and resources to make it easy for you to operate the app without distractions, you might need to contact us for help if/when those resources don't resolve an issue you are having.

These are the channels in the Support section of the app  through which you can contact us for help:

  1. Email: tap on the email icon (with support@ziroopay.com text) to send us an email
  2. WhatsApp: Send  us a message on +234 8164 301 239
  3. Twitter DM: Tap on the twitter icon to take you to our twitter account, send us a DM. Follow us for announcements and helpful resources on how to build your business better
  4. Facebook message:  Tap on the Facebook icon to take you to our Facebook page where you can send us  a private message
  5. phone 
  6. Phone call: You can also call your bank account manager or the service rep whose number you were given at deployment